A very good place to start

Thursday, January 24th, 2008 | All Things, Eats

After that first visit to Amazing 66 on Mott, I could hardly wait a week before coming back to sample more of their $4.95 lunch menu.

But where to begin? With item #1: Pork Chop with Chili & Spiced Salt.

Salt and pepper pork

The dish was expertly prepared: half a dozen lightly battered pieces of pork on the bone, topped with crunchy fried bits of minced garlic, and slices of scallions and jalapeños. I ended up finishing only about half of this platter. As I was pondering whether to have the leftovers wrapped, the harried waiter swiftly spirited our plates away, rendering my decision moot. No matter, these fried dishes tend not to hold up so well over time anyway.

And, because my friend had a craving: a plate of fried dumplings. I didn’t even see these on the menu, but ask, and ye shall receive.

Fried dumplings

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There are 2 Comments ... A very good place to start

January 31, 2008

Better to stick with their specialities, methinks.

January 31, 2008

Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.
When you read you begin with ABC, …

Go for it ...