P.S. 1 Warm Up

Saturday, June 30th, 2007 | All Things, Arts, Friends

The first P.S. 1 Warm Up of the 2007 season drew the entire hipster population of Brooklyn, along with some brand new iPhones, and quite a few European expats, into Long Island City. As if to prove the point, while on line for beer tickets, I actually ran into a couple I met at MC’s birthday party at Williamsburg’s Soft Spot a couple of weeks ago.

This afternoon was our first glimpse at the winning installation of this year’s MoMA/P.S.1 Young Architects Program: “Liquid Sky” by Los Angeles-based Ball-Nogues, which three of us had seen as a work in progress over Memorial Day weekend.

Warm Up line

Warm Up crowd

Warm Up bartenders

The crowds were crushing on this sweltering summer afternoon, and underneath the kaleidoscopic crimson canopies, a few skirmishes were inevitable. While on the endless queue with our Brits for Magic Hats, a couple of bold weasels attempted to take advantage of our cheerful distraction to squeeze in line ahead of us. We all noticed their encroaching movements at the same moment; I felt my dander rise, but before I could call them out on it, TH stepped in with a quick smile and a sly remark that completely disarmed the would-be infiltrators. Within seconds, they were chuckling ruefully and apologizing — actually apologizing! – to us for the “misunderstanding.” I stood by agog during the round of good-natured backslaps and handshakes — we’re all friends now?! — after which they cheerfully left us to take their rightful places at the back of the line.

Despite having witnessed the entire exchange firsthand, I could hardly believe that this potentially explosive situation played out the way it did. Mr. Charming, indeed!

Warm Up crowds

Warm Up crowds

For more, check out my full PS1 Warm Up 2007 flickr set — which includes photos of our subsequent (less insanely crowded) visit.

There's 1 comment so far ... P.S. 1 Warm Up

July 24, 2007

It makes me queasy to see all those hipsters at once.

Go for it ...