Saturday in the boroughs

Saturday, December 9th, 2006 | All Things, Friends

On the 7 out to Queens, and an alternate view of Midtown and the 5 Pointz “Institute of Higher Burnin” in Long Island City.

LIC View

I headed back home in the late afternoon — ah, so this is what it feels like! — to throw together Bobby Flay’s Smoky Red Pepper and White Bean Dip before dashing off to meet SYB for the ride to MC’s holiday party. We hopped off the L at Bedford and emerged at the epicenter of hipster Williamsburg.

Despite getting to MC’s about 45 minutes after the appointed party start time, we were among the first guests to arrive. Her loft was welcoming and warm with the scent of mulled wine, a.k.a German Glühwein, French vin chaud, Scandinavian Glögg… whatever you call it, the brew is one of my favorite wintertime drinks.

Mulled wine takes about as much effort to make well as to make poorly. At its worst, the taste can be reminiscent of Robitussin: sickeningly sweet, over-spiced — those supermarket spice bags are best left for potpourri — with a harsh sting of alcohol. At its finest, the wine is warm (not boiling), modestly sweet, lightly spiced and faintly fruity. A splash of brandy, port, or cassis liqueur finishes things off nicely. No need to break out the most expensive bottles either; as with sangria, the cheap stuff will do just fine.

The guests began rolling in, adding their contributions to the groaning buffet table. ‘Tis the season to reunite with old friends and to re-introduce myself to not-so-new friends (whoops). Also to make some new acquaintances, while bonding over mutual love of 5-star samosas and Chelsea galleries.

Bedford and 7th

There are 2 Comments ... Saturday in the boroughs

December 22, 2006

That link cluster at the end was well-done. See, that’s why HYB (not to mention JL or JK) likes your blog better.

December 22, 2006

So where are their comments?

Go for it ...